Heart with Wings

Murshida Vera Corda

Painting by Khabir Don Kitz. Click to view more

In Loving Memory

In loving remembrance of my first Sufi initiator and guide, Murshida Vera Corda who passed on April 7th, 2002.


Excerpt from message dictated by Murshida Vera, November 18, 2001

My Dear Sufi Family,

Keep spreading the Message where ever you go but remember your home and come back to home base whenever you can. Home is the heart, the family....

Continue to breathe in the Light from all Kingdoms, mineral, vegetable,
animal, human and the Divine (super Human). There is Light in all Kingdoms. It's there for us to see and attune to....

Its very gratifying to see my books in their third printing. The 'Goddesses
of Light' keeps going on, also the third edition of 'Cradle of Heaven',
'Holistic Child Guidance' and my 'Memoirs'.

All of my life work, my writings and my paintings have been legally granted
to Holistic Human Development for the benefit of all beings.

Our Seed school children have married and their children are growing into the Light in all Kingdoms and realizing that we are one and all that goes around comes around.So eventually all that you have so kindly given to me will come back to you in God's time....

Mastering oneself is the ultimate goal of every Sufi mureed on this plane, as
I have been on it for over sixty years. You can tell that it takes a lifetime
of experience of your own truth in the core of one's heart. Without personal faith nothing can be attained or understood.

101x daily, moving the beads toward your heart.

The more you sing the prayers and blessings the further the Mysticism of
Sound will carry the Message.

The Buddhist Prayer, "May All Beings be Well" ... I added one phrase. "May All injured be Healed! Peace, Peace, Peace." Do this together.

carries it on the river of your life to the four directions of the Earth.

Toward the One, the Perfection of Love Harmony and Beauty, the Only Being, United with all the Illuminated Souls Who form the Embodoiment of the Master, the Spirit of Guidance.

As we end the meditation, we always come back to the Heart with Ya HAAY, ISHQ ALLAH MAHBOOD ALLAH!

I pray that you are continuing to do your twenty Purification Breaths every
day. There are five stages of advancement on the twenty breaths.

We never arrive, we are always unroute in life's experiences.

Enough said.

Ishq Allah Mahbood Allah

With love and Blessings ,
Murshida Vera

Click to learn more about Murshida Vera's life and path.
Ongoing archive project: veracorda.com
